Southend on Sea Linux User Group

Articles of Association

(As of 1st September 2014)


The name of the Association shall be Southend on Sea Linux User Group, referred to in this document as SoSLUG.


  1. SoSLUG aims through its activities and websites, to promote the benefits of free and open source software, and provide assistance to those who want to voluntarily share their work or knowledge.
  2. SoSLUG does not seek to endorse, or denigrate, any specific product, person, or organisation either through advertising or any of its published material.
  3. To undertake projects, or work with similar groups in the open source community to exchange information, knowledge and advice. To facilitate this SoSLUG will maintain one, or more websites.
  4. To organise meetings, training courses and events, or take any lawful action that would help to fulfil its aims
  5. To raise funds, or receive contributions where appropriate, to finance such projects.
  6. To maintain, and audit a bank account for SoSLUG funds.
  7. To specify rules and procedures, for its members to facilitate the smooth working of the association and setting out the rights and obligations of members. Details will be found on the SoSLUG websites within a section entitled “About SoSLUG”. These may be updated from time to time, as the website administrators deem necessary, in response to ongoing developments, or changing circumstances.
  8. To buy, store, process, distribute, offer for charity and where appropriate, sell software, hardware, knowledge, information and other products

Registration and termination of membership.

Membership rights and conditions

  1. Membership of SoSLUG shall be open to anyone who is interested in helping SoSLUG achieve its aims, and who has read and agreed to abide by the rules and procedures of SoSLUG.
  2. A person becomes a member within the Association upon payment of an annual subscription of £24.00p.
  3. Persons who have not paid a subscription are still welcome to SoSLUG meetings and will be known as guests. Guests do not have the the right to vote, or stand for election.
  4. To publish material on any of the SoSLUG websites, a member, or guest, is required to have an authenticated web account. An account will be granted only after acceptance of the terms and conditions set out below which places additional responsibilities upon the account holder.
  5. Any member with an authenticated web account may volunteer to assist in the maintenance of the SoSLUG websites. subject to the approval of the network manager

Authenticated accounts – terms and conditions

  1. No material may be published anonymously and all material is subject to review prior to publishing, by a designated moderator.
  2. Opinions expressed or implied, in any content may be personal and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views or policies of SoSLUG, other members or its elected officers. Any such opinions remain the responsibility of the author of the published content. In addition, while SosLUG will endeavour to ensure the veracity of any technical content, the responsibility for its accuracy remains with the author.
  3. A moderator may refuse to publish any material which is in contravention or detrimental of the objectives of SoSLUG and likely to bring SoSLUG into disrepute. A likely consequence is the suspension of the users web account.

Election rights

  1. Every member shall have one vote at general meetings.
  2. SoSLUG shall have a Management Committee.
  3. The Management Committee shall have the power to refuse or suspend membership to a person where it is considered such membership would be detrimental to the aims, or activities of SoSLUG.
  4. Any member wishing to stand for election as a member of the Management Committee must have been a member for at least six months prior to standing or being recommended for election.
  5. Should any committee position become vacant through illness, change of circumstance or expulsion, an EGM must be called within 6 weeks to elect a new official.

Termination of membership.

Any member of SoSLUG may resign their membership and any representative of a member organisation may resign their position, by giving to the Secretary of SoSLUG a written notice to that effect.

The Management Committee may, by resolution passed at a meeting, suspend the membership of any member, if in its opinion their conduct is detrimental to the interests and objectives of SoSLUG. Membership termination may follow in extreme cases.

Any member or representative of a member organisation (as the case may be) that has had membership suspended, shall have the right to be heard by the management Committee before the decision is made to terminate membership. There shall be a right of appeal to an independent arbitrator appointed by mutual agreement.


  1. SoSLUG shall be administered by the Management Committee Consisting of not less than three (3) people and not more than fifteen (15) members elected at SoSLUG’s Annual General Meeting. Any member over 18 years old may stand for election to the committee
  2. The elected officers of the Management Committee shall be:-
    1. The Chairperson
    2. The Treasurer
    3. The Secretary
    4. Any such other elected officers SoSLUG shall deem necessary at the meeting.
  3. Voting at Committee meetings shall be by show of hands on a majority basis. If there is a tied vote then the Chairperson shall have a second vote.
  4. The management Committee shall have the power to set up sub-groups and working parties as deemed necessary who shall be accountable to the Committee.
  5. Maintenance of the SoSLUG websites, and its contents is open to any elected, or non elected member, who may volunteer for the designated roles. These roles require they regularly attend the SoSLUG meetings, and acceptance is subject to approval by the network manager; who has overall responsibility for the servers and system updates.


Any money obtained by SoSLUG must only be used for maintaining SoSLUG assets, projects or activities which have member approval, or used as contingency as outlined below. The funding proposal must identify any associated costs and to be approved a majority of members present must be in favour. The number in favour must be at least 5, and include at least 2 committee members. Additionally, the proposer of the funding proposal may not vote. Funding proposals are to be circulated, to all members at least 7 days in advance of a vote, for discussion or amendment. Changes to the final proposal may not be made on the day of the vote.

Any subsequent request for additional funds, not covered by the original proposal, is to follow the same procedure, and be subject to a separate vote. All funding decisions are to be minuted.

In unforeseen circumstances, up to £100 can be spent as a contingency without prior member consultation. This requires approval of the Treasurer and at least one of the Chairperson or Secretary. Any such expenditure may not be used cumulatively to pay for any project/activity that has not been approved. Contingency spending cannot exceed £100 between regular meetings, and must be circulated and announced to members at the next regular meeting. SoSLUG shall aim to maintain a £100 contingency reserve.

Any bank accounts opened for SoSLUG shall be in the name of SoSLUG.

Any cheque issued shall be signed by at least two of any three nominated signatures.

The Management Committee will ensure that SoSLUG stays within budget.

Application of Surplus

SoSLUG shall not trade for profit. Any surplus of SoSLUG shall be used as a general reserve for the continuation and development of SoSLUG.

Alteration of the Articles of Association.

Committee Meetings

The Committee shall meet when required.

The quorum (minimum number of people required) for a meeting shall be three (3).

The Committee shall be accountable to the members at all times.

All meetings must be minuted and available to any interested party.

All Committee members shall be given at least seven (7) days notice of a meeting unless it is deemed an emergency meeting.

Annual General Meetings

An annual General Meeting shall be held within two (2) months of the close of the financial year of SoSLUG, the business of which shall include :-

  1. The receipt of the accounts and balance sheet,
  2. The election of Committee members , if it has been decided to have such a Committee.

The quorum for Annual General Meetings shall be at least eight (8) members of which no more than four (4) shall be Committee members.

The members of the Management Committee shall serve for one year but may be re-elected.

Proposals for amendments to this constitution, or dissolution, must be delivered to the Secretary in writing. The Secretary in conjunction with all other officers shall then decide on the date of a meeting to discuss such proposals, giving at least four weeks (28 days) clear notice. Any changes to these Articles of Association must be agreed by at least two thirds of those members present and voting at any general meeting.


SoSLUG may be wound up at any time if agreed by two thirds of those members present and voting at any general meeting. Any assets shall be returned to their providers, if they require it, or shall be passed to another group with similar aims.

Adoption of the Articles of Association

These Articles of Association were adopted by

the members present at the AGM

held on…………………………………


Chairperson …………………………………………….

Secretary ……………………………………………..

Treasurer …………………………………………….

Author: Alan Campion - Page reference: 533
Last modified: Alan Campion - 2015-07-10